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Autism Information Helpline

Thousands of people receive support from our helpline each year

Our helpline welcomes calls from parents, autistic adults, carers and professionals who live in the West Midlands to discuss concerns they have about autism (before and after diagnosis). Callers will find experienced, understanding staff who offer a listening ear and who can provide information about autism and local support services. Our helpline can refer people into our other services (if available in your area).

To contact our helpline call 0121 450 7575 or email

(If you are unable to get through on our helpline number, please ring 0121 450 7582 and select option 2).

Opening Times

Monday – Friday:  8am – 8pm

Saturday & Sunday: Closed

Please be advised that due to lower staffing quotas calls after 5pm may not be responded to as quickly as those in office hours. If you would prefer, please email us at; and we will answer by email or call you back.

Callers from Birmingham and Solihull- Our helpline support is funded by Landau as part of the All Age Autism Support Service- All callers will have the opportunity to utilise the service directory to help them find the right service and support. To access the directory please follow the link below.

